Time Management Guru

Time Management Guru: How many slices you have to cut one day to make it valuable?

Do you ever get the feeling that sometimes time feels lengthy, but sometimes it feels like it’s just slipped by in the midst of boredom? When you think back, you regret wasting so much time trying to catch up with the time that has slipped through your fingers.


What stole your time?

Before you regret it, why not take action and find out what might be stealing your time?

  • Interruptions- telephone
  • Interruptions – visitors
  • Excessive web-surfing
  • Committee Meetings
  • Failure to delegate tasks appropriately
  • Procrastination and indecision
  • Unclear objectives and priorities
  • Lack of planning
  • Inability to say “No” to unreasonable demands
  • Stress and Fatigue

I’m sure you’re all wondering how to deal with these invisible ‘time thieves’.


Tips for managing your time

Here are some suggestions to help you plan your time better.

  • Plan ahead
  • Do it ‘NOW’
  • Learn to delegate
  • Avoid distractions
  • Be assertive
  • Stay focused on the task at hand


Prepare a To-do list

After that, we could prepare a prioritized To-Do List for the coming week/month.

Take some time to sort out your goals and prioritize how you want to spend your time in the coming week/month by completing a To-Do List as follows:

Task Priority (1-10)* Time Required
 e.g., CHLT mid-term essay 6 3 hours
 e.g., ELTU group discussion preparation 4 1.5 hours

* (1 = Unimportant, 10 = Very Important)


Develop A Realistic Weekly Schedule and Work Plan

Now that you have some idea of how you spend your time each day and what you need to achieve in the coming week/month, you should be able to plan your weekly/monthly schedule so that you can complete your tasks on time while maintaining a suitable balance among work, rest, and play.

For instance:

Mon Tue Wed
08:00-09:00 Stretching
09:00-10:00 CHLT mid-term essay ELTU group discussion preparation
10:00-11:00 CHLT mid-term essay Lesson
11:00-12:00 CHLT mid-term essay Exercise Lesson
12:00-13:00 Have lunch with friends

By allocating your time wisely, you can achieve twice the result with half the effort and have a rich and fulfilling life. Let’s take control of our time together and unleash our unlimited potential!