About counselling, you should know……

If You are Considering to Seek Psychological Counselling……

The transition to university can be emotionally demanding. Counselling can be immensely helpful as we navigate the new environment and responsibilities in this defining period of our lives. However, the stigma and misunderstanding surrounding mental health issues often discourages students from seeking help. In this article, we aim to address student’s common concerns when considering counselling.


Is counselling really helpful?

In our daily lives, opportunities to openly discuss emotions are often limited, and negative feelings may be met with judgment. Counselling offers a non-judgmental space where emotions can be freely expressed and processed. Skilled counsellors help identify emotional needs and the underlying causes of problems. By experiencing acceptance and understanding in counselling, students are more likely to make positive life changes that align with their personal values.

A student shared her counselling experience:  “My counsellor was able to identify the core of my inner struggles, slowly revealing the deepest problems inside of me. We handled some hurtful and failing past experiences. My problems were completely resolved.” She used cleaning as an analogy, “you will still find spider webs from time to time despite sweeping them away. Meeting with a counsellor is like finding out the spider so that the core problem will not reappear.”


Would people see me differently if they find out that I am seeing a counsellor?

One common worry is how others may perceive individuals seeking counselling. Despite mental health needs being a normal part of being human, some people view therapy-seekers as weak or problematic. It’s important to note that counselling is not exclusive for people with serious mental illness. It can also prevent mental illness and inspire self-growth. Taking charge of one’s mental health is a courageous and responsible step that benefits both individuals and those around them.

Besides, under normal circumstances, the counsellor will safeguard the student’s rights to privacy and ensure confidentiality regarding the contents of counselling. Hence, personal information or matters discussed within counselling will not be disclosed to third parties without the student’s knowledge and consent. However, in cases where the student’s personal safety or that of others is being threatened, the counsellor is obliged to notify relevant parties in order to safeguard the well-being of the persons concerned.

A student who has received counselling service shared her advice:  “Do not be afraid of classmates’ view of you. You may find some excuses at the beginning (to hide that you attend counselling session). For example, saying that you’re occupied with something else. Don’t rush in opening up to everyone. Then when the progress with counsellor is good, I believe you would go to those classmates in need to share your experience.”


Will counselling cost a lot?

Private counselling services can be expensive and cost over HK$1000 per hour. CUHK offers a range of FREE mental health services for full-time students to meet their diverse needs. These services include face-to-face counselling service, 24-hour emotional support hotline, online chatbot, self-help courses and resources etc.. While face-to-face counselling service operate within office hour with need-based waiting time, hotline and online resources are accessible anytime anywhere.



Everyone is on their own unique mental health journey. Even when you are not ready for counselling at the moment, please know that we are here to support you whenever you need us.


*Supplementary Materials:

Video of CUHK Student Sharing Their Experience on Counselling Service (Linda Li/Tim Wang)