The Art of Meaningful Connections

The Art of Meaningful Connections: A Guide to Cultivating Lasting Friendships

Whether you are a freshman or a student of another grade, entering a new social circle and making new friends is often challenging. You may worry that you cannot integrate into the existing group, or that you lack the social skills to establish connections with others. In addition, some people may also find it difficult to initiate conversations with others due to their introverted or shy personality.

It is not easy to become a successful social master as they need to have many important elements. To successfully build a personal network, in addition to courage, you may also need to possess the following qualities!

  • Develop positive qualities

Accept your shortcomings and explore your strengths. Try your best to exert positive energy and helpfulness in interpersonal relationships to attract people of similar energy. At the same time, try to appreciate and praise the advantages of others more.

  • Know yourself

Understand your expectation about your friends and the interaction style that make you feel comfortable. Participate in activities you enjoy to meet people with similar interests.

  • Genuine communication, Embrace diversity

Listen carefully to what others say and understand things from their point of view. Be open about different preferences, values ​​and lifestyles, and humbly accept the opinions of your friends. If you make a mistake, be brave enough to admit it and apologize. If there are differences in opinions, compromise appropriately.

  • Stay active, Keep contact

After meeting friends with similar interests, take the initiative to stay connected and meet up.

Developing a relationship with another person can be a little awkward and stressful at first. Remember that the initial awkwardness can be both natural and mutual. It will lessen as you get to know each other and begin to enjoy the pleasure and gratification that blossom with true friendship.

Maintaining friendship requires efforts from both parties. Even if you try your best, it does not mean that the friendship will last forever. Try not to blame yourself if the friendship does not develop as expected. Make good use of social opportunities to make new friends. You will eventually meet people with similar interests.

If you struggle with friendship problems, you are welcome to make an appointment at the Wellness and Counselling Centre to talk with our counsellors.