Senior uPals Programme

Senior uPals Programme

In order to strengthen cohesion among uPals graduates and uPals trainees, the Wellness and Counselling Centre of the Office of Student Affairs established the Senior uPals Programme in January 2021. Through further training in mental wellness knowledge and various practicum opportunities which aim at enhancing personal growth and leadership skills, Senior uPals will be well equipped and empowered to play a significant role in promoting wellness on campus. 


  • Full-time students of CUHK 
  • Graduates of uPals Wellness Promotion Team 
  • Non-final year students preferred 
  • Responsible, proactive, confident and enthusiastic in helping and caring about others

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Acting as mentors of uPals trainees, offering peer support and facilitating group cohesiveness 
  • Being peer group leaders of Adventure Training Camp 
  • Assisting in organizing uPals orientation/ gatherings 
  • Supporting and supervising service projects of junior uPals

Training and Activities

  • Group Facilitation and Group Empowerment Training (4 hours) 
  • Adventure-based Training Camp (3 days 2 nights) 
  • 2 Wellness Workshops (4 hours)


Upon completion of the training components and service projects, Senior uPals will obtain the following qualifications: 

  • CUHK Senior uPals Certificate 
  • The qualification obtained will be recorded in the Student Development Portfolio (SDP)