uShine SEN Service Team

uShine SEN Service Team

Established in 2015, the uShine SEN Service Team is a peer support network that facilitates peers with SEN in the adjustment of campus life while raising the awareness and understanding of SEN among the CUHK community, thus fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment that will enable all students to thrive and shine in their own way.


If you are a full-time non-final year undergraduate students at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and you:

  • are supportive, helpful, and eager to promote an inclusive learning environment at CUHK

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Supporting students with SEN in their adjustment to campus life and university studies
  • Working together with other uShiners to plan, coordinate, and execute service projects and activities that foster an inclusive learning environment at CUHK

Training and Activities

uShiners will be able to understand the needs of students with SEN through various training and activities, and support students with SEN at CUHK: 

  • Adventure Training Camp (3-days-2-nights overnight camp)
  • Basic Helping Skills Training (5 hours)
  • 2 SEN Awareness Workshops (5 hours)
  • Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (12 hours)


Upon completion of the training components and service projects, uShiners will obtain the following qualifications: 

  • CUHK uShine Certificate 
  • Mental Health First Aid Certificate
  • Eligible for the election of ‘Best Service Project of the Year’ and ‘Best uShiners of the Year’
  • A summer internship opportunity in SEN service provider/ NGO/ social enterprise, subject to screening and selection by respective organizations 
  • The qualification obtained will be recorded in the Student Development Portfolio (SDP)

Social Media

uShine Facebook: UShine CUHK 

uShine Instagram: @cuhk_ushine