uBuddies Peer Counselling Network

uBuddies Peer Counselling Network

A friend in need, a friend indeed. Have you ever thought of being a buddy who reaches out to those in need in the university? The uBuddies Peer Counselling Network was launched by the Wellness and Counselling Centre of the Office of Student Affairs in 2010.  It aims to promote a caring culture on campus and foster the spirit of peer mutual support and peer counselling. Through a wide range of intensive training (more than 50 hours) and services which help enhance personal growth, strengthen self-confidence and realize their potential, uBuddies will be well equipped to provide peer counselling services and promote mental wellness. 


If you are a full-time non-final year undergraduate student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and you:

  • are interested in learning effective communication and helping skills 
  • wish to develop your personal potential and character strengths 
  • love to help peers 

Roles and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of the counsellors of the Wellness and Counselling Centre, uBuddies are going to provide the following services:  

  • Provision of peer support and strengthening bonds among students. They are also obliged to make referrals to the counsellors when necessary. 
  • Organization of service projects for CUHK full time undergraduate students. 

Training and Activities

  • Adventure Training Camp (3-days-2-nights overnight camp)
  • Peer Counselling Skills Training I & II (11 hours) 
  • Team Building (5 hours)  
  • Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (12 hours) 
  • Practicum and Supervision (4 hours) 


Upon completion of the training components and service projects, uBuddies will obtain the following qualifications: 

  • CUHK uBuddies Certificate  
  • Mental Health First Aid Certificate
  • Eligible for the election of ‘Best Service Project of the Year’ and ‘Best uBuddies of the Year’
  • The qualification obtained will be recorded in the Student Development Portfolio (SDP)

Social Media

uBuddies Instagram: @cuhk_ubuddies 

Treehole (uBuddies) Instagram: @treehole_cuhk