Say No to Procrastination

Deadline is approaching, what should I do? Say No to Procrastination!

Have you found that you often know you have important work to do, but always end up procrastinating until the last minute before starting? You know you should take action immediately, but just don’t have the motivation to do so. This kind of procrastination habit is something we’ve all experienced to some degree or another. What exactly are the reasons behind procrastination? And how can we effectively overcome this habit to improve our work efficiency?

To get rid of this heavy dragging force inside, we must first understand its causes so as to find the remedy. Regarding different causes of procrastination, we provide respective suggestions.


Perfectionists often demand themselves to have the best working attitude, always expect things with perfect results, or would rather not do it. This will only result in making things difficult to achieve, and creating frustration.

  • Solutions:
    • Set realistic expectations: Recognize that perfection is often unattainable and can hinder progress. Aim for excellence rather than perfection.
    • Embrace mistakes: View mistakes as learning opportunities and chances for growth. Emphasize progress over flawless outcomes.

Too Ambitious

Too many tasks on the to-do-list at the same time will only trade off some, and as a result, everything is delayed.

  • Solution:
    • Break tasks into smaller steps: Identify the most important tasks and focus on those first. Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable milestones.
    • Set realistic goals: Be honest with yourself about what can be accomplished within a given timeframe. Set goals that challenge you but are still achievable.

Fear of Failure

Those who are self-demanding but afraid of failure tend to delay the work consciously or unconsciously; in this way, the poor performance can be attributed to a lack of time rather than personal capability.

  • Solutions:
    • Reframe failure: Adopt a growth mindset and view failure as a stepping stone to success. Recognize that mistakes and setbacks are natural parts of the learning process.
    • Start with simpler tasks: Begin with small, low-risk tasks to build confidence and gradually tackle more challenging ones.


Procrastinators use various reasons to delay their work, such as: it is too early to start the work; only pressure can motivate one to work; but often, the real reason is that they do not want to do it.

  • Solutions:
    • Practice self-awareness: Be honest with yourself about the reasons behind your procrastination. Recognize when you’re making excuses or rationalizing delays.
    • Motivate yourself with incentives: Determine specific rewards for completing tasks or reaching milestones. It could be anything that motivates you, such as taking a break, enjoying a treat, or engaging in a favourite activity.

Lack of Organization

Procrastinators feel helpless in face of complicated work and do not know how to deal with the work step by step; therefore, progress can hardly be made.

  • Solutions:
    • Set clear deadlines: Establish specific deadlines for every step of the task. Utilize tools such as digital calendars or to-do list apps to keep track of deadlines and monitor progress effectively.
    • Declutter your workspace: Remove unnecessary distractions and create an organized and tidy environment that promotes focus and productivity.

Finding what works best for you may require some experimentation and adjustment, but procrastination is certainly something within our power to change!

Reference:  Shatz, I. (n.d.). How to Stop Procrastinating: Tips and Techniques for Overcoming Procrastination. Solving Procrastination.